“Spark Studios” Vacation Bible School

June 5 - 10, 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm 2022

18540 Tuscanooga Road, Groveland, FL, USA

Family Supper will be served nightly from 5:45-6:10 PM. Children CAN NOT be dropped off. Parents have to attend supper with their child/ren.

Check-in starts at 6:10 PM. An adult has to check in their child/ren.

Spark your imagination and kick your creativity into high gear. VBS 2022 is headed to Spark Studio where kids will discover that their creativity is a gift from the infinitely creative Creator who designed them for His glory. Join us the week of June 5th – 10th for Spark Studios. Register at https://kideventpro.lifeway.com/myEvent/?id=61013

Register your child HERE