Guest Speaker: Wanda Kohn
January 19 11:00 am - 12:00 pm | Tuscanooga Baptist Church
Join us on January 19th at 11:00 a.m. for our speaker, Wanda Kohn, from The Pregnancy & Family Care Center.
Pregnancy & Family Care Center in Leesburg, Florida provides physical and emotional support for women who think they may be pregnant, expectant mothers, and families that are in need of immediate assistance. Our free and confidential, on-site pregnancy tests and free first physician’s visit allows you to better understand your situation and what options you have in your pregnancy. Our staff of volunteer counselors are here to assist you in your decision, whether you choose adoption, abortion, or parenting.
Wanda Kohn Bio:
After having experienced an abortion in 1977 and later realizing and acknowledging her sin against God, Wanda began her involvement with the PFCC in 1988 as a volunteer counselor and has served as Director since 2002 and just recently retired. During her tenure, the PFCC has greatly expanded its service offerings. Wanda is the Co-Founder of Habitat for Humanity of Lake County and received WORLD magazine’s 2007 Daniel of the Year Award for her work in the pro-life cause. She is also a state board member of Pregnancy and Family Resources Alliance and serves on Personhood Florida’s executive committee, having earned their Defender of Life Award in 2023. She and her husband, Bob, teach a family-focused Bible Fellowship class at First Baptist Leesburg and love serving the Lord together.